The Dangers of Over-Scheduling and Overthinking
Are you aware of the risks associated with over-scheduling kids? In today's environment, every parent desires for their kids to be multi-skilled. Due to their hectic schedules, they may not receive enough rest or maintain a healthy diet, and as a consequence, the kids may suffer from a range of medical problems. The youngsters, too, deserve proper rest since they will become immersed in their routine and will be subjected to a great lot of pressure. What Are the Consequences of Overthinking and Over-Scheduling? Kids of any CBSE girls school in Kolkata who are overworked may lose their individuality. They may lack the ability to step up to the plate, or they may be confused about how to handle any available energy. Kids with unstructured leisure time, on the other hand, have more opportunities to manage exercises and learning. They are more creative, self-assured, and free. Unstructured playing with friends might lead to better friendliness. Why Do Your Children Require Downt...